Bike License
Yes, yes, I am enrolling this saturday. Honestly I can't wait to complete it, get my bike and say goodbye to Night Riders. I don't know what bike to get, though I've decided its gonna be a sports bike. KR, SP or CBR haha. Here's a bike I want but is impossible to get.
I've not posted for so long and I would like to apologise to all my fans and devotees haha kidding. Been busy with NS. Everyday I come home wanting to do everything that I possibly could, things that I'm missing out due to NS such as gaming, reading and of course seeing Hunny. It's kinda miserable for me because back then I was in total control of my time and now it seems like I'm collared to my camp and I could only go out for a certain duration before going back. Boo!
Well at least now I'll have the license to occupy my mind with, and I'm catching up on animes that I've left behind. My cousin said he found a drummer so all I need now is a bassist and Rockstar I'll be! Wahaha kidding. Well I'll be back soon, or not so soon.