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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Best Blog In The World?

Thanks Ojig but I really doubt it. Love every post? Well I think I'm gonna disappoint you with this one -_-". I'm just trying to update frequently now. Just watched Liverpool draw with Wolves. Awesome thing to witness after staying up when I'm sick just to watch. Yesterday I asked Ojig about what he would do if Makwe (my grandma) could turn into a cockroach and he said he'd keep her haha. Since he calls roaches 'Kurma' I named her for him... KurMakwa.

I just had this flashback of when I was in ITE. I was in a packed bus 99 going back home when all of a sudden the driver brakes and everyone was falling down (except me I swear I don't know why). I was near the front door and there were 3 primary school girls whom I assumed to have been around 11 to 12 years of age. They were standing close to each other so they were falling in a domino-effect manner. Being the almighty V, I managed to support the three of them and they didn't fall. I then smiled at them as a gesture of "I hope you're okay" and continued listening to my mp3 player (cue for my fangirls to faint in adoration). About 5 minutes later, one of them nudged my hand and said that one of the other 2 girls was interested in me and would like to be my 'special' friend. I was like ,"WHAT?!" and I swear I was so embarrassed, I don't know why! Overwhelmed with embarrassment, I just smiled and ignored them. Then all 3 came to me and asked for my number, saying they all wanted to be friends. I ignored them till I alighted which was, thank GOD, 5 minutes later. Now I wonder why they don't just offer these type of kids for child prostitution instead of those poor, decent, innocent girls that never wanted to be part of it.

Kids nowadays are really not scared of sex and sexual attention. How they behave and dress is just beyond comprehension. I don't know why their parents even allow it. I mean, have some decency! Don't blame the rapist and molesters for being tempted. There is a thing in law called ENTRAPMENT. For example, you cannot place something in a bid to tempt people into taking it and then arrest them for stealing. That is a crime in itself. So don't dress the girls like sluts before they can take care of themselves and tempt these pedophiles. That's just not fair. If a kid gets raped on Halloween while dressed in a dugong/manatee costume then hell yeah HANG THE BASTARD! There's something wrong with him! He doesn't deserve to live in our society! Send him to Manchester! Oh wait sorry isn't that where crazy, rude criminals and cheaters live? I might be wrong but hmmm I somehow just convinced myself that it's true.

So there you have it boys and girls, my crap entry that was typed with a frying brain in my head. I swear this fever is killing me. I love typing nonsense. I wish I could write for a magazine that features nonsense. That would be one awesome magazine.

What I say is nonsense? If you call TRUTH 'nonsense' then how can you justify your NONSENSE as 'truth'?

| 5:56 AM |

Saturday, January 23, 2010

10-letter formation that carries a lot of weight in meaning, the same word we as humans are most guilty of failing to do.


- Most of us say that we do appreciate out parents for giving birth to us, for raising us to be what we are today, but we never really show it. I'm guilty of it too, I can't deny. Sometimes I find my parents annoying, but thank God that I'm following through with one of my new year's resolutions - to be nicer to my parents. You should too, whoever is reading this. It doesn't matter to them if you buy them things as a way to show your love. I realised that the best gift to them would be to show them that they should have no regrets in the way they've raised you. If you are weak in academics, show them that you have other useful traits so that they won't worry about dying and leaving you to fend for yourself. Just an example. I'm sure you can think by yourselves on what to do. They will leave you, and that will be the worst day of your life, carrying their bodies to the grave and watching them being buried. Make sure they can leave without a worry. That's the best a child can do for a parent.

- Some of us take friendships for granted. Some people think things will always remain the same just because they are good/great/best friends. Some people don't appreciate it enough to realise that the closer you are to a person, the easier it is to hurt that person with even the slightest things. Watch your actions and the things you say. It is never impossible to lose a best friend permanently. Ask you parents. Believe me. Rarely do friendships last your entire lifetime. If you want to keep it strong, do everything you can. Don't take it for granted and think that your friend will always be there and stay the same.

Moral Responsibility

- Most people can't give a damn about the world. Not many are willing to spend 5 minutes to sign a petition to save dolphins, no one cares about littering, about the repercussions of littering, about what animals or plantations it would kill, about the workers who would have to clean it up after us, because we're all living comfortably. We don't know what they are going through. We think we know, but we don't. I've always said to myself, if I was a billionaire, I would use the money to somehow save the world. The thing is, the billionaire doesn't see things like I do. Just like us middle-class citizens who don't know what littering means to the cleaners. The cleaners would think that if they were living as comfortably as us, they wouldn't litter or make work difficult for other cleaners. We don't appreciate the comfort we're given. We always think of things we would do with greater comfort but we don't realise what we should and should not with the comfort we're given.

More often than not, the world sets off an alarm, trying to give us a wake up call, but most of the time we're guilty of pushing the snooze button.

| 12:34 AM |

Haikal Syah.


Hunny, Farhan Syah, Akif, Yazier, Nabil, Hafiz, Timon, Haziqqymon, Fhasha, Farhan, Aizat Black


Haikal Syah
Haikal Syah
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