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Tuesday, July 7, 2009
20th July

Yep Hunny's coming back! I'm picking her up and eating local food immediately after that! I miss U!!! Really can't wait for that day to come.

Anyway H1N1 is really hitting Singapore hard. Just today, over 50 new cases were confirmed in the morning at 7 am. Speaking of the spread, I've seen so many irresponsible people on the MRT and shopping centres who were obviously sick and having flu, still going out and enjoying themselves without caring about the people around them. Such a shame really, how selfish people are. Some even had masks on, obviously given by their doctor they had consulted. Yet they boarded the MRT, with bloodshot eyes and sneezing like a fuckin walrus standing beside me and my family. I swear man, Singaporeans and Banglas are the most selfish, greedy and overly-excited people I've seen so far. When I say overly-excited, I was referring to their standard expression and reaction upon seeing empty seats ANYWHERE on the face of Yusof country.

Food places, MRTs, busses, Esplanade area when it's crowded. Their eyes would bulge out and they would rush to occupy it for some stupid reason, whether or not they're tired or if there are needy people around. I swear the word is 'EXCITEMENT' as they seem to be in pure ecstacy after fighting for a seat that they pretend to sleep to cover up their shame for challenging for something so stupid.

Think about it, if Singaporeans in general really cared about the disabled, old, injured or pregnant, the reserved priority seats on trains and busses would not have been made or at least clearly marked as such. They were put near doors so that the slower 'prioritised' could alight easily and this is common sense but rarely do I see people who sit near the doors give away their seats.

Bah why do I even bother typing about this nonsense, no one's gonna care anyway (if you do care, don't be a chump/tool and give out your seats next time or keep doing it if you already are, like our hero Nabil who saved a pregnant woman... ehem). 20th July is the main topic. Really can't wait for Love to come back. I last saw her on the 25th of last month in Dubai. Life sucks without U! Come home and STAY!

| 1:18 PM |

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Spread the word!

Don't visit Fauzi Rassull's blog ever again.

Why do we even entertain that queer with all the tagging? He loves the attention! So just stop! He's probably getting money from every hit he gets on his blog. Forget it and just deprive the queer of attention. No one gives a tetrapod melon tea FUCK about what he does (definately guys) or what he wants (penis) or his views on 'social issues' (which he can't even pronounce properly) because all that's envisioned in our minds are graphic thoughts of him being gay and malnourished. We are entertaining a person who promotes starvation and bulimia as means of staying/becoming thin and this is not right. So please, spare yourselves and spend that 1 minute that you would have probably spent on his blog to do something fruitful, entertaining or at least non-disturbing. Let's leave it to the gay-bashers to do what they want with him. We should all just stick to the normality of everyday life and live in denial of the one fact which is that queers like Fauzi Rassull exist in this world.

So live and deny his existence! I sincerely believe Charles Manson, Marilyn Manson and Barney still have a better chance to go to heaven than that queer.

| 6:58 AM |

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What The Blog?

Do you have any idea why the hell can't I upload photos? Everytime I upload, they will show that it's done but there's no photo in my entry!

| 11:37 AM |

Having Trouble With The Computer

I've been wanting to update my blog and tell you guys about my time in Dubai but I'm having abit of trouble with my computer. The USB ports aren't registering my portable harddrive properly and all hte pictures are inside so I can't upload anything BOO!

Anyway I can still copy pictures that Hunny uploaded on her facebook so I'll just use that ya, so sorry if you guys have seen the pictures already.

| 10:49 AM |

Haikal Syah.


Hunny, Farhan Syah, Akif, Yazier, Nabil, Hafiz, Timon, Haziqqymon, Fhasha, Farhan, Aizat Black


Haikal Syah
Haikal Syah
Past Performances
June 2007
July 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
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June 2009
July 2009
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December 2010