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Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Liverpool F.C

Alot of people have been posting about how sad they were/are when Manchestnut got the title but I'm not gonna do that because I've seen alot worse than this. My worry is not about losing the title by a mere point nor waiting for it to be won, because soon enough it will. The only worry is that it won't happen during Steven Gerrard's time. He deserves to lift it more than anyone! Oh well. To all you kids, relax guys I've seen worse, really. I've been a fan since the days where Liverpool were mid-tablers and it was pure torture to watch them play. At least we're number 2 on the table so it means there's hope! This is nothing compared to the heartache I've suffered haha. So relax. All in time children :D

Some people say I wasn't being a true fan when, 2 games ago, I said I didn't think Liverpool had a good chance of winning. Well as you all know, I'm a very practical person and I know The Devils wearing prada would snatch the points somehow and being a fan doesn't mean you have to change your personality or thinking to suit your hopes. Hope is something I've held on for years and years. What was it like to support Liverpool? Let me put this into perspective.

- It started when I first watched Rushie do his stuff, partnering with Fowler and killing teams with fluid combinations but the team somehow just couldn't achieve great things.That was supporting Liverpool.

- Then, years later, supporting Liverpools meant watching Heskey run for the ball all the time from half field to the opponent's box like a dog because our defenders would just blast it upfield and hope. Keyword here - Hope. I'm not so different from the defenders. Yes, it's only Heskey up there against 4 defenders and possibly 1 defensive-midfielder, but I still prayed and hope he would score. That was how I feel about Liverpool chasing the title for all these years. That's me supporting Liverpool.

It sucked but it's different now... The flow is different and the ball will have to reach Gerrard first before going upfield. No more blind clearance and hoping. There's actually a PLAN! Wow! That's what it's like to support Liverpool now.

Oh and one more thing...................................................................................
...It's not Heskey anymore, it's Torres :)

Hold on to that HOPE and watch the DREAM materialise with Me


| 1:41 AM |

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Is It Worth It?

I'm sick of hearing stories from friends telling me about how they broke up or are having big problems in their relationships, most of them having the same causes.For those in a relationship, seriously think about this. Say, one of you made a rule in the relationship right, like for example the guy tells the girl to not club. Then the girl doesn't listen and goes clubbing behind his back. Or when the girl tells the guy not to go out with girl-friends if he's alone but he does it anyway without his girlfriend knowing. Why does this happen? I mean everything being done behind each other's backs.

Possible "Why's"
1- The other party cannot understand the logic behind the restrictions
2- They feel that if they don't do it they will look bad to their friends

3- They get a cheap thrill from doing something restricted
4- They think that what the other party doesn't know won't hurt them
5- They feel like they deserve to enjoy themselves while they're young or that they shouldn't be held back by a relationship

So instead of seeing it from the other party's view, they just irresponsibly decide to break the seemingly 'stupid' rule and do it anyways. So here's a response to the "Why's",

1- So that he/she will feel comfortable + knowing that you'd agree to what they feel is morally right or wrong is also a big factor in a relationship. If you can't understand and not bother to try and understand then there's something wrong here. You should start questioning why you're even in a relationship when you can't even conform to simple rules that will simply result in the other feeling better. What other reasons do you need? That's the best thing you could do for your loved ones, yet people still do it. The cause? - Ignorance

2- Friends WILL disappear whether you like it or not. Perfect examples are our own parents. How many friends from before their marriage do they still have close contact with? I would seriously assume none unless it's just 1 person who has been living nearby all the while. Seriously people no matter what you think, you friends WILL disappear once they/you get married. Too busy with FAMILY and CAREER. The sooner you accept this fact, the faster you get your mindset straight and be able to focus more on the relationship, because the one you're gonna marry,have children with, the one who's gonna take care of you throughout it all is gonna be your partner and not friends. So can you say to yourself "This is the spouse that I lied to"? The cause of this is - Naivity

3- Cheap thrills from doing something restricted is one of the most common things a criminal would say to explain their doings. If it's a cheap thrill, it only can mean it's something wrong. The culprit of this is God's number 1 test - Temptation

4- If you think that they don't know so it won't matter, then by thinking it you already know you're doing a bad thing. I'm sure by the point that you decided to do this, you have already reasoned with yourself as to why you are doing it. The funny part about that is after you've done it, you'll feel guilty because the so-called 'reasoning' you did turned out to be just excuses. Why are there secrets in a relationship? If you're not comfortable telling your partners everything then don't even bother to be in a relationship. Nobody want's a secretive girlfriend/boyfriend becase if you can lie about one thing you can always lie about another. They say 'violence begets violence' well I say 'lies begets lies' too. You do one lie by already promising to not do it yet doing it anyway, then you lie to cover it up and even more lies will come after that and before you know it, the whole portion of that part of your life and relationship will REQUIRE you to lie and it becomes a guilty pleasure. By lying about your life, you are already acting fake and the person your partner loves probably isn't what you truly are but the lie that you portray. So do you want to be loved for something you are not? Probably the number 1 cause of break-ups - Deceit

5- If you expect to enjoy yourselves without restrictions then simply do not be in a relationship. A relationship involves FEELINGS and you'll need A LOT of emotional maintenance to keep the relationship going. If you're gonna keep on doing things that will hurt your partner if they knew then please just leave them, because one day a lie or two might just catch up on you and when they know, that 'one or two' lies might be the big ones that you'd never want them to know. If you think you can't give a damn about the other's feelings then you are just reeking of Irresponsibility

Nobody's relationship is perfect, but don't let it be because of things outside the relationship. Let it be because of your own personal imperfections, your looks, antics etc. Work towards a goal, one without lies and deceit is the easiest path with little stops. Like finding your way in an unfimiliar place, with people pointing you to the right direction all the time. You'd only need to stop to ask. Don't look back and ask yourself, "Was it worth it?".

| 11:12 AM |

Haikal Syah.


Hunny, Farhan Syah, Akif, Yazier, Nabil, Hafiz, Timon, Haziqqymon, Fhasha, Farhan, Aizat Black


Haikal Syah
Haikal Syah
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