SUNBURNYesterday me, Pang, Fiz and Timon went to Sentosa. Met under the block at 9.20 and then met Timon at 10.10 (late as usual) and set off for Harbourfront. Had breakfast at the hawker centre and Hafiz bought $3 fried bee hoon which I think was daylight robbery. I had Nasi Goreng Ikan Masin which was also $3. It was good, but the dried fish still had scales on them. Damn you auntie.Played beach volleyball under the blistering hot sun. Never have I experienced such heat. I've been to Sentosa countless times but I'm telling you yesterday was exceptionally hot! The sand was burning and we could barely keep our feet on the ground. We were like Hindus walking on fire at some temple. Ok maybe just Timon.
Happy without Hafiz in the pic wahaha! After that we went to Vivo's Banquet to have our western food. Yummy. We were supposed to go watch Transformers but it was all sold out. Then we decided to play pool but something came up and Timon had to go back so we all took the cab with him. While in the cab Pang took out his MP3 and I asked him, "Pang your MP3 how many KB?1KB?" and he replied, "6 la!" with frustration because I was asking too many questions. Then I asked again, "6KB only? Lidat how many songs can you put in sia, So sad." haha then he shouted with anger, "6JB LA!". Then I looked at him, "JB? Johore Baru? Jiga Byte?" hahaha and at this point he gave up. Of course he meant GB.
Timon was rushing so he dropped us under his block and we had to walk to the bus stop. On the way we talked about Cantonese and I mentioned "Chap" and Pang said "Chap means sweat, or is also can mean sauce." I was confused whether he said source or sauce so I told him so spell it out and he said, "S-A-U-S-E" hahaha. SAUSE! Took 99 and in the bus I found my new best friend, a lighter! I kept irritating Hafiz with it, occasionally burning his shirt hahaha.
Plus he gets really irritated whenever i keep igniting the lighter near him repeatedly hahahaha.
After reaching home we met again and played Yugi-oh haha after so long of not playing. Then we decided to eat supper at a prata shop and Pang said he will treat me and Hafiz to one piece of "kosong". When the guy asked for our orders he said, "Uncle 3 piece kosong, 3 plates." The guy looked at him in awe and so did I. I thought he was kidding! So I cancelled the order and ordered muratabak instead. Had a good chat about secondary school life. Thanks guys lets go out again someday! Oh and I got sunburn on my back and I couldn't sleep peacefully because it hurts when I shift while sleeping and the pain will wake me up. Damn!!!